People always ask me which HALF&HALF fine art portrait is my very favorite. At first I want to say the one I’m drawing. Then I realize I do have ones that speak loudly to me. One of those is Robert Plant. Why Robert? Well, I think it is because he is an Icon of Rock from my era. I was born in the 60’s, so I grew up during Elvis, The Beatles, The Who and yes, Led Zepplin.

So why does Robert speak to me? He speaks to me because I drew his left eye higher up than reality. The left eye is sort of a raised eyebrow if you will. To me Robert Plant is like a GodFather of true rock music when the sound of one’s voice is above and beyond all instruments. The voice dominates even in apparent chaos. I love that about him and the band and the music. Just listen to the song Kashmir. Then you will hear exactly what I am talking about. It is an erie kind of song where the voice is every instrument known to man and more. The voice is haunting. I like that! The sound of a song is everything to me. I’m not as concerned about the words. I want to hear something I’ve never heard before each time I listen.

So Robert Plant is raising his eyebrow as if to say he has something to say, always has, always will. And if you listen very hard the truth will come to you a lie or something like that. I make up my own words when my ears fail me. Hey, i’m an artist. I fill in the missing pieces. I guess i could look up the lyrics on YouTube but I like what I hear. The truth will come to you a lie. So erie!!! So possible!!! So common in the world we live in today!!! Well, a deep subject… But, yes, he is raising his eyebrow as if to say I have the truth and I want to get it out of you. There is no other place to find it. It has to be in you. And Robert Plant is a passionate man. He really wants you to know your own truth. He spills his guts on to the stage every time he opens his angelic diabolical mouth. And if you listen very hard…
